E-learning (or sometimes electronic learning or eLearning) is a term which is commonly used, but does not have a common definition[1]. Most frequently it seems to be used for web-based distance education, with no face-to-face interaction. However, also much broader definitions are common. For example, it may include all types of technology enhanced learning (TEL), where technology is used to support the learning process. Although pedagogy is usually not part of the definition, some authors do include it. For example in this definition, where e-learning is said to be: "pedagogy empowered by digital technology" [2]. It is important to realize that the term e-learning is ambiguous. It is nearly impossible to define what it is, as it has different meanings to different people [3]. Furthermore, it is often used interchangeably with various other related terms, such as distance learning, distributed learning, and electronic learning[4]. The meaning of the term also seems to be dependent on the context in which it is used. In companies, it often refers to the strategies that use the company network to deliver training courses to employees. Lately in most Universities, e-learning is used to define a specific mode to attend a course or programmes of study where the students rarely or never meet face-to-face, nor access on-campus educational facilities, because they study online.
E-learning Blog interested in education-mail and Ciwn education and teachers from all aspects. Everyone is invited to participate because the instant مدونة التعليم الالكترونى التابعة لاسرة سيف الله للاعمال الخيرية والدعوة الى الله syfallah1. blogspot. com
الاثنين، 24 أغسطس 2009
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