الثلاثاء، 6 أكتوبر 2009

Online Bachelor's Degrees in Computer ScienceComputer

Online Bachelor's Degrees in Computer ScienceComputer

science as a discipline focuses on the different methods of computation. One fascinating and growing branch of study in computer science is artificial intelligence, or trying to simulate intelligent behavior and learning in machines. The need for computer programs that recognize speech and handwriting is growing, both from the standpoint of job productivity, and support for the hearing and sight impaired, allowing them greater access to the workplace. Also, artificial intelligence is used to perform routine work in economics, engineering, and in the military. Although an online bachelor's degree in computer science is highly mathematical, degree plans also provide a variety of classes. You'll study theories of computer science, algorithms, basic programming languages such as C and C++, compiler design, and database management. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the need for computer scientists will grow by about 40% through 2014. In addition, the median salary for a computer scientist is $81,000. People with online degrees in computer science can expect to work in a variety of industries such as academia, government, and business. Job security in this career is very strong

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