Online Study - Skill Requirements
If you are taking an online course, you are probably already familiar with the flexibility and convenience of online learning. However, online learning is not easier than on-campus learning, and requires the same amount of work.
Below are some tips for success in online courses:
Establish a timeline for yourself, and block out time that you can dedicate to your online courseEstablish dedicated study times Use a planner or calendar to remind yourself of deadlines for assignments Use the communication tools, such as Chat and the Bulletin Board, to build working relationships with other students Do you have a study tip you want to share with other online students? Or, do you have advice for other students taking online courses? E-mail the Distance Learning Office, and we'll post to our Website! Include whether you want your name and e-mail address (you can even send a picture!) included with your comments. Online Course Student Technical Skills - What do you need to know?Online courses at Florida Community College at Jacksonville use Blackboard. Blackboard is Learning Management Systems that you use to take an online course.
Hardware and Software RequirementsOther Software Requirements and Plug-InsOnline Course Student Study SkillsDo you have a study tip you want to share with other online students? Or, do you have advice for other students taking online courses? E-mail the Distance Learning Office, and we'll post to our website! Include whether you want your name and e-mail address (you can even send a picture!) included with your comments.Online Course Student Technical Skills - What do you need to know?
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